
Wrecking HavoK

About Me

Welcome to my profile.

I'm a Gamer and casual modder.
I try to help people with everything I can make of.
I hope you guys enjoy my stuff

Please mail me if someone made you pay for my mods or anything I shared here.

Always Happy to help, Best Wishes

Country: India Age: 29
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News: 1
Downloads: 1
Videos: 0
Total: 2
Modifications: (since 07.11.2012)
Released: 1 mods
Total: 69,601 downloads
Average: 69,601 downloads
Last online:
18.04.2016, 04:54
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Recent Comments (1)
Savegame - Headstart for Newbies
Wrecking HavoK | 25.09.2015 | 69601

Wrecking HavoK
Comments: 2


 Quote: lukasvelozo

Not working... It crashes when I try to load it up.

Probably something else [like a hardware or driver failure] is causing the problem.
I am really sorry, but I tested it and confirmed it working on Steam, Rockstar Retail and 3DM Reloaded Latest Versions of GTA V.

Add -ignoreprofile to commandline.txt in the folder where the game is installed and please redownload and place the savegame file in proper directory of your system.

Sorry for Inconvenience caused sorry and Cheers, good